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      S@ifur’s Analogy Bishowkosh | সাইফুর’স আন্যালজি বিশ্বকোষ

      Original price was: ৳420.Current price is: ৳300.

      "S@ifur's Analogy বিশ্বকোষ:

      Analogy Encyclopedia book is incomparable to learning vocabulary in pairs. This book will prepare you for IBA, BUP, IELTS, GRE, BCS, Bank & Govt jobs, and any other competitive jobs. Analogy encyclopedia book is very effective in learning vocabulary. Tips & tricks to remember vocabulary."

      S@ifur’s Passport to Grammar | সাইফুর’স পাসপোর্ট টু গ্রামার

      Original price was: ৳550.Current price is: ৳410.
      "S@IFUR'S PASSPORT TO GRAMMAR:The book ""S@ifur's Passport to Grammar"" is strongly recommended for you if you want to learn grammar with meaning. Like other common books on the market, it not only teaches you a bunch of rules but also makes you accustomed to the rules with many examples before teaching the rules. It is very easy to learn grammar with the meaning of sentences.

      S@ifur’s Anubad Pedia | সাইফুর’স অনুবাদ পিডিয়া

      Original price was: ৳650.Current price is: ৳390.
      In order to study, we need to translate English sentences into Bengali and Bengali sentences into English. At the beginning of English language learning, we learn how to translate English words into Bengali little by little. Then we make big sentences by giving short sentences. The book will help you to create big sentences through short sentences."

      Saifur’s Competitive Vocabulary | সাইফুর’স কম্পিটিটিভ ভোকাবুলারি

      Original price was: ৳750.Current price is: ৳450.
      "Saifur's Competitive Vocabulary" is a unique book for learning vocabulary. This book will make you irresistible for any competitive exam including IELTS, GRE, IBA, BCS, Bank, and Govt. Job.

      S@ifur’s 4G Grammar | সাইফুর’স ফোরজি গ্রামার

      Original price was: ৳650.Current price is: ৳450.
      "S@IFUR'S 4G Grammar: 4G grammar book based on Vocabulary is unique for those who have trouble reading large English sentences. Like the 4G grammar book based on Vocabulary written by Saifur Rahman Khan Sir for language learning, there is no other effective book. There are only a handful of grammar rules that we have learned throughout our lives, but these rules are of no use in language learning. Even when learning Bengali, we did not learn grammar before. Language can be learned better by practicing many more examples. Everything else that we can gain from this book:- This book teaches you how to translate many large English sentences correctly.- Each sentence is given with the necessary word meanings to translate each sentence. So this book also plays a very useful role in learning vocabulary. This book teaches you how to translate large English sentences. The questions from different years of different varsity admissions/job examinations are marked separately and the questions from different years are solved at the end of the book. Nothing could be more effective than this book for understanding the Bengali meaning of English sentences with satisfaction. So, if you have trouble reading big sentences in English or have difficulty forming big English sentences, please collect this book now."